Community Awareness

Our awareness programs aim to encourage the public on Diabetes Prevention.


Type 2 Diabetes is a disease of long duration. It accompanies us every day of our life.


It can be successfully controlled with proper daily self- care but most importantly it can be prevented.


You are capable of helping yourself not to develop diabetes.


QDA aims to spread the knowledge on this important issue to all Qatar communities, encourage them to commit to a healthier life and hence avoid type 2 diabetes.


Our awareness program is offered to various communities:

  • School students and personnel
  • University faculty and students
  • Work force including private and public institutions
  • Various community groups and associations


Awareness sessions at schools are tailored to student age. They are informative and interactive in nature. Students are encouraged to identify specific healthy actions that will help them prevent the disease in their adult life.


Awareness sessions addressing adults take the form of one on one session. A list of measurements and questionnaire on health markers are taken to assess the risk of the person and give him/her the needed advice to avoid having type 2 diabetes in the future.


You can request an awareness activity at school or workplace by sending an email to